Parametric cure models are a type of parametric survival model model in which it is assumed that there are a proportion of subjects who will not experience the event. In a mixture cure model, these ‘cured’ and ‘uncured’ subjects are modeled separately, with the cured individuals subject to no excess risk and the uncured individuals subject to excess risk modeled using a parametric survival distribution. In a non-mixture model, a parametric survival distribution is scaled such that survival asymptotically approaches the cure fraction.
The following code fits a mixture cure model to the bc
dataset from flexsurv
using a Weibull distribution and a
logistic link function for the cure fraction:
cure_model <- flexsurvcure(Surv(rectime, censrec)~group, data=bc, link="logistic", dist="weibullPH", mixture=T)
## Call:
## flexsurvcure(formula = Surv(rectime, censrec) ~ group, data = bc,
## dist = "weibullPH", link = "logistic", mixture = T)
## Estimates:
## data mean est L95% U95% se exp(est)
## theta NA 6.73e-01 5.84e-01 7.52e-01 NA NA
## shape NA 1.55e+00 1.38e+00 1.74e+00 9.07e-02 NA
## scale NA 1.61e-05 5.10e-06 5.11e-05 9.50e-06 NA
## groupMedium 3.34e-01 -1.23e+00 -1.74e+00 -7.09e-01 2.64e-01 2.93e-01
## groupPoor 3.32e-01 -3.48e+00 -5.56e+00 -1.40e+00 1.06e+00 3.08e-02
## L95% U95%
## theta NA NA
## shape NA NA
## scale NA NA
## groupMedium 1.75e-01 4.92e-01
## groupPoor 3.85e-03 2.47e-01
## N = 686, Events: 299, Censored: 387
## Total time at risk: 771400
## Log-likelihood = -2580.012, df = 5
## AIC = 5170.025
Model results can be displayed graphically using the
S3 method:
Predicted survival probabilities can also be generated using the
S3 method:
## time est lcl ucl group
## 1 0 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.0000000 Good
## 2 1000 0.83251996 0.78818479 0.8713811 Good
## 3 2000 0.71313032 0.64435467 0.7820931 Good
## 4 3000 0.67959584 0.59692740 0.7543347 Good
## 5 0 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.0000000 Medium
## 6 1000 0.68057306 0.62461517 0.7252517 Medium
## 7 2000 0.45286672 0.38651210 0.5371443 Medium
## 8 3000 0.38890796 0.31047936 0.4913786 Medium
## 9 0 1.00000000 1.00000000 1.0000000 Poor
## 10 1000 0.51803653 0.46591293 0.6244235 Poor
## 11 2000 0.17446456 0.12991265 0.3873328 Poor
## 12 3000 0.07796116 0.03878999 0.3481356 Poor
More complex models may be fitted by adding covariates to the parametric distribution used to model the uncured individuals. This is done by passing a list of formula, named according to the parameters affected, through the anc argument:
cure_model_complex <- flexsurvcure(Surv(rectime, censrec)~group, data=bc, link="logistic", dist="weibullPH", mixture=T, anc=list(scale=~group))
## Call:
## flexsurvcure(formula = Surv(rectime, censrec) ~ group, data = bc,
## dist = "weibullPH", link = "logistic", mixture = T, anc = list(scale = ~group))
## Estimates:
## data mean est L95% U95% se
## theta NA 2.62e-02 1.91e-02 3.59e-02 NA
## shape NA 1.49e+00 1.35e+00 1.65e+00 7.69e-02
## scale NA 4.65e-06 1.48e-06 1.46e-05 2.72e-06
## groupMedium 3.34e-01 -1.78e+00 -1.79e+00 -1.77e+00 4.39e-03
## groupPoor 3.32e-01 2.07e+00 1.76e+00 2.39e+00 1.61e-01
## scale(groupMedium) 3.34e-01 8.29e-01 4.92e-01 1.17e+00 1.72e-01
## scale(groupPoor) 3.32e-01 2.11e+00 1.71e+00 2.51e+00 2.03e-01
## exp(est) L95% U95%
## theta NA NA NA
## shape NA NA NA
## scale NA NA NA
## groupMedium 1.69e-01 1.68e-01 1.71e-01
## groupPoor 7.96e+00 5.81e+00 1.09e+01
## scale(groupMedium) 2.29e+00 1.64e+00 3.21e+00
## scale(groupPoor) 8.22e+00 5.52e+00 1.22e+01
## N = 686, Events: 299, Censored: 387
## Total time at risk: 771400
## Log-likelihood = -2571.857, df = 7
## AIC = 5157.713
Non-mixture cure models can be fit by passing
to flexsurvcure
cure_model_nmix <- flexsurvcure(Surv(rectime, censrec)~group, data=bc, link="loglog", dist="weibullPH", mixture=F)
## Call:
## flexsurvcure(formula = Surv(rectime, censrec) ~ group, data = bc,
## dist = "weibullPH", link = "loglog", mixture = F)
## Estimates:
## data mean est L95% U95% se exp(est)
## theta NA 6.35e-01 7.31e-01 5.17e-01 NA NA
## shape NA 1.72e+00 1.53e+00 1.92e+00 1.01e-01 NA
## scale NA 3.07e-06 9.19e-07 1.03e-05 1.89e-06 NA
## groupMedium 3.34e-01 8.35e-01 4.99e-01 1.17e+00 1.71e-01 2.31e+00
## groupPoor 3.32e-01 1.63e+00 1.31e+00 1.95e+00 1.64e-01 5.09e+00
## L95% U95%
## theta NA NA
## shape NA NA
## scale NA NA
## groupMedium 1.65e+00 3.22e+00
## groupPoor 3.69e+00 7.02e+00
## N = 686, Events: 299, Censored: 387
## Total time at risk: 771400
## Log-likelihood = -2567.8, df = 5
## AIC = 5145.6